Our Leadership Team


BEC Leadership Team 2025

Back (L to R): Rev. Ian Dickie; Elder Jim Lamont; Emeritus Elder Jim Atkinson; Elder Nigel Akam.

Front (L to R): Deacon  Liz MacDonald; Emeritus Elder Jim Campbell; Deacon Julie McCorkell; Deacon Maura Edwards

Pastor - Rev Ian Dickie

Pastor - Rev Ian Dickie

Ian came to us from Granton Baptist Church, Edinburgh, where he served as pastor from 1999 to 2023.  Previously he had been pastor for 4 years at Hopeman Baptist Church in Moray.  Ian was converted in his early 20’s and shortly afterwards went to work for the Royal National Mission To Deep Sea Fishermen which took him and his wife Alison to Peterhead, Lerwick and Scrabster.  Ian left the Mission in 1991 to study at the Scottish Baptist College to train for Pastoral Ministry.  Ian’s priorities in ministry are preaching and teaching but he also has a very strong focus on engaging with and reaching out to the community in which God has placed the church.  Ian and Alison have two grown up children.

Elder - Nigel Akam

Elder Nigel Akam has lived in Largs and been a member of BEC for 40 years and an Elder for more than 20 years. He is currently Church Secretary and also has responsibility for church administration, building maintenance and interface with external organizations that make use of BEC’s facilities, which is one of the ways that the Church is reaching out into the local community.  

He has two grown up daughters and two grandsons. He is semi-retired and works part time with an educational charity organizing industry visits for secondary school pupils.  When he’s not busy looking after the church facilities, Nigel can be found on the badminton court. 

Emeritus Elder - Dr Jim Atkinson

Emeritus Elder Jim Atkinson and his wife Andrea joined BEC on moving to Largs in 1998. Jim had been involved in various aspects of church leadership before coming to BEC and served as a BEC elder for 18 years before retiring to his current advisory emeritus elder role. He is still involved in BEC’s teaching and music ministries and in other ad hoc activities in support of the Leadership Team. 

Jim is an emeritus professor who retired from university employment in 2012 but retains some involvement in academia. He and Andrea have four married children and nine grandchildren who give them much pleasure and keep them busy! 

Emeritus Elder - Jim Campbell

Emeritus Elder Jim Campbell has been a member of BEC for 35 years and during that time has been involved in a number of the church ministries. He was brought up in Stevenston and lived in Dumfries and Ardrossan before moving to Largs. In previous churches he has been involved in children’s and young people’s work and has sung joyfully, if not all that well (his words), in church choirs. 

He is fond of sport and plays bowls in the summer and curling in the winter months. He is also happily retired, having spent most of his working life with a large explosive and chemical manufacturing company, before going into business to provide business and management training.

Jim is a widower and, whilst some of his family have moved away from the area, others still live close by. He enjoys spending time with them and with his grand-children and one great-grand-child. His aim as an emeritus elder in BEC is to give what help and guidance he can to assist the church to fulfill its mission, to grow in numbers, to serve the community and to encourage its members and leaders.

Elder - Jim Lamont

Elder Jim Lamont is married to Renee and they have two grown up sons and two grandchildren.  Jim works for a large IT company.  Jim says, “My life changed when I became a Christian in 1995 and it’s fantastic to know that despite me, God loves me completely.” 

As well as being one of the elders at BEC Jim is also involved in leading the Youth Church, seeking to encourage young people in their relationship with Jesus.  Jim regularly leads the BEC services and uses his communication skills and sense of fun to make everyone feel right at home.

Deacon - Maura Edwards

Deacon Maura Edwards became a deacon in 2009, after joining BEC in 2005 following the family move to Largs. Prior to this, she lived and worshipped in Glasgow.   Although she had been brought up to attend church, it was only in her 20s that she realised the need for a personal relationship with Jesus, and so became a Christian in 1993.  

Maura is one of the worship leaders at BEC and also directs the church choir. Maura works as a dental consultant for the local health board, including working on projects for some of the most vulnerable people in our community.  Maura is married to David, and they have one son, Callum.

Deacon - Liz MacDonald

Deacon Liz MacDonald  Liz was born into a Christian family in Wester Ross and lived there until she went to university in Glasgow.  It was there she met her husband Robert and came to personal faith in Jesus and quickly became involved in women and family work within the church.  Widowed in 2014, Liz and her husband Robert had 2 children.  She now has 8 grandchildren.  

Liz retired in 2018 after 32 years as an English teacher.  She is involved in various pastoral duties within BEC.  She completed a bible course at GLO in Motherwell and has twice visited Albania to see the work carried out by GLO there.  Liz also enjoys reading and spending time with her family. 

Deacon - Julie McCorkell

Deacon Julie McCorkell (more info to follow).

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