Evangelist, West and Central Scotland
When the Lord Jesus looked upon the crowds who followed him, the Bible tells us, ‘He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd’ (Matthew 9:36).
Today, there are still vast crowds of lost people who will never walk through the door of a church to hear the good news of the gospel. For over 170 years The Open-Air Mission has been going out onto the streets to bring the good news of Christ’s death and resurrection to those who may never otherwise hear it.
OAM has a team of evangelists and associate workers who run regular open-air outreaches across the UK and further afield. We work with local churches to share the gospel in town centres, in schools, on beaches, at fairgrounds and in many other venues. We also seek to support and equip local churches in open-air evangelism.
34 School Street, Largs, KA30 8BB, United Kingdom tel: +44 1475 687354 (answerphone)
Email: office@beclargs.info Our Facebook Page
Registered Scottish Charity SC013844013844
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