

Regular Services Day/Time Location Other Info:
Communion Sunday 10.00am Main Sanctuary As Normal
Family Service Sunday 11.15am Main Sanctuary As Normal
Kids' Church Sunday 11.30am Church Hall As Normal
Cafe Church Sunday 6pm Church Hall As Normal
Fit for Life Monday 10.30am Church Hall & Lounge As Normal
BEC Toddlers Tuesday 10.30am Church Hall As Normal
Badminton and Fellowship Tuesday 7.30pm Church Hall As Normal
Bus Ministry Tuesday 7.30pm Church Hall Lounge As Normal
Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7.30pm Church Hall As Normal
Youth Drop-in Friday 7.30pm Church Hall For P7-S6

Please Note:  On the February 16th we will be having our quarterly communion within the family service at 11:15am . 

This means there will be no 10am service but Tea and coffee etc will be available from 10:45am.


Group Meeting Day/Time Location Contact
OIR Ukelele Group Mon 2pm Church Hall OIR Largs
Largs Camera Club Mon 6.30pm Church Hall (3rd Monday of the month) Facebook Page
OIR French Class Wed 10.30am & 2pm Church Hall OIR Largs
OIR Scottish History Group Thurs 2pm Church Hall (1st & 3rd Thursdays) OIR Largs
Largs Community Choir Thurs 6.45pm Church Hall Further info
OIR German Class Fri 10am Church Hall (alternate weeks) OIR Largs
Ladies' Badminton Club Fri 10am Church Hall Jean Black
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